Good digestive health depends on the smooth functioning of the digestive system which ensures our digestive comfort and impacts many aspects of our overall health and well-being. Digestive health is strongly linked to the intestinal microbiota.
The gut microbiota is essential for maintaining good digestive health. It helps with the digestive process, supplies essential nutrients and enables vitamin synthesis.1 It also plays a key role in stimulating our natural immunity and protecting against pathogens which are disease-causing micro-organisms.2
When our digestive system is functioning properly and our microbiota is healthy, we are less likely to suffer from digestive disorders such as constipation, bloating, and abdominal discomfort or common problems such as diarrhea and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).1
Diarrhea is defined as the passing of loose or watery stools at least three times a day.3 It can have multiple origins, but very often, it is caused by an imbalance in our intestinal microbiota, with a reduction in the numbers of ‘good’, protective bacteria living in the intestine, the emergence of disease-causing micro-organisms and the presence of toxic substances.4
Diarrhea in its acute form usually lasts for about three days and can be associated with tummy cramps, nausea, and fatigue.5
Acute diarrhea is usually caused by bacteria or viruses, but it can also be triggered by stress, a change in diet or even taking certain medications. For example, antibiotics affect the balance of the gut microbiota and can cause episodes of acute diarrhea.6
Diarrhea is a common side-effect of antibiotic usage affecting up to 49% of patients.7
If the diarrhea is persistent (more than 3 days), seek medical advice and consult your doctor.
Chronic (long term) diarrhea lasts for over two weeks and is usually linked to an underlying illness. Associated symptoms can include weight loss, malnutrition, and abdominal pain.8
Postbiotics, are a useful solution for helping to rebalance the intestinal microbiota and maintain good digestive health.9,10
Postbiotics as medicinal product or dietary supplements are natural compounds containing inanimate micro-organisms, they are available on prescription and in pharmacies.
Food supplements with Postbiotics may also contain vitamins, minerals or even rehydration salts.