Among the solutions for taking care of our gut microbiota, postbiotics are an exciting new addition to the biotics family.1,2,3 What is the difference between the various biotics within this extensive family, what are the benefits of postbiotics, and why should you try them?
Come and explore the world of postbiotics.
Each category of biotics has been defined by scientific experts.2 You may have heard of them before, but it might not be very clear in your mind. Prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics can all be explained with the very simple example of seed cultivation.
Prebiotics (substrate):
A substrate is essential for successful cultivation, as it contains all the nutrients necessary for a plant to develop properly. Prebiotics are a substrate selectively utilized by the host's micro-organisms, which confers a health benefit on the host.4
Probiotics (seeds):
Seeds are the fundamental elements of cultivation. Probiotics are living micro-organisms that, when administered in adequate quantities, confer a health benefit on the host.5 In other words, probiotics are beneficial and useful living bacteria.
Postbiotics (harvest):
Harvesting involves picking the plant, fruit, or flower that possesses the properties we are interested in. Postbiotics are a preparation of inanimate micro-organisms and/or their components that confers a health benefit on the host.2 In other words, they are non-living bacteria with beneficial effects.
Discover postbiotics in video
Although 'non-living’, their action is well established, often with equivalent or superior efficacy compared to living micro- organisms (probiotics).6,7 Indeed, studies have demonstrated the role of postbiotics in improving digestive comfort, restoring the gut microbiota, strengthening the intestinal barrier and fortifying the immune system.2,7
Postbiotics are easy to use and do not require refrigeration. Moreover, they remain effective even after passing through the acid environment of the stomach, allowing them to act directly on the intestinal microbiota.8
Postbiotics cannot cause bacteriemia or fungaemia. Furthermore, there is no known risk of acquiring or transferring antibiotic resistance genes with postbiotics.8
Postbiotics are already in an active form and do not need time for implantation. Therefore, they are ready to act!
Postbiotics are excellent allies in helping to restore the intestinal microbiota as they can be taken at the same time as antibiotics without a loss of effectiveness.9
Lactéol® is a digestive postbiotic containing Lactobacillus LB that is widely available from pharmacies. It is a natural compound derived from gut-friendly bacteria of human origin that have a positive impact on digestive health.
Lactéol® is used to restore intestinal flora and relieve digestive symptoms.10